

作为一个学者团体, 12bet中文官方平台的学生和教师通过共同遵守荣誉准则,致力于追求卓越的最高标准. As a university of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA), we understand the individual and collective responsibility we have in fostering integrity. 最终, 我们的目标是成为一个从事学术优秀的机构, highly articulate and morally centered persons who learn about and examine the world together. 我们相信,只有当我们对自己和彼此诚实时,我们才能开始以有意义的方式为世界做出贡献.

Augustana’s 荣誉准则 consists of inter-related elements that guide scholarship and learning; the honor pledge, 荣誉委员会和一套司法程序,指导大学对学术诚信违规行为的裁决.



The honor code states the principles that guide our work together. 学生将在每次考试和教师认为适当的其他作业上签署一份荣誉保证书. 荣誉誓言如下:

“我以名誉担保。, 我保证我遵守了荣誉准则, 我在这项任务中所做的工作是诚实的, 而这门课上其他人的工作, 据我所知, 我也很诚实.”




  1. 11人荣誉委员会由6名学生组成, 四名教职员工, and the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs who serves as the Chair of the Board. 除董事会主席外,所有人都有投票权.
  2. 学生会员, 二年级学生各两张, 初四班, 任期一年,可续期. 学生在春季学期申请荣誉委员会成员. 目前的荣誉委员会将在审查申请并进行面试后选择学生成员.
  3. 教师 members are tenured and will represent each of the three academic divisions. 教师 members are appointed by the 教师 Governance Committee for overlapping, two-year terms.
  4. 荣誉委员会成员应该表现得敏感, 保密, 诚信和专业在他们的活动.


  1. 荣誉委员会负责制定和遵守其程序规则,并对社区进行有关荣誉守则的教育.
  2. 为履行其教育职责,荣誉委员会:
    • 在奥古斯塔大学的第一节课和/或新生入学指导期间,向新生和转学生告知荣誉守则的重要性.
    • 推荐和鼓励特定的通识教育课程,作为适当的场所,以促进学术诚信,并提供违反荣誉准则的工作实例.
    • 与教师沟通表达他们对课程学术诚信期望的重要性.
    • Offers programming to increase awareness across the campus community.
    • 就教学大纲的语言和违反学术诚信的适当后果向教员提供指导.
    • Serves as a resource for students and faculty members regarding the working of the 荣誉准则.

荣誉守则权利 & 责任

我们的目标是在我们所有的工作,以促进诚信作为一个持久的奥古斯塔社区的特点. To that end, the honor code is rooted in a shared covenant between faculty and students. 作为荣誉守则的重要参与者,每位教职员工和学生的责任定义如下:

教师的权利 & 责任

  1. 教员的自主权应得到保障, as the work of the classroom is primarily the responsibility of faculty members.
  2. 教师 members will choose whether or not to proctor examinations.
  3. All faculty members will include statements that affirm the honor code in their syllabi. 这些声明将包括对可能的处罚的描述. 将提供统一的语文供教职员使用.
  4. 教师将在每次考试和其他教师认为适当的作业中加入荣誉誓言.
  5. 如有学生未签署《12bet中文官方平台》或提出疑问,教师将及时与学生联系.
  6. 如果案件被提交给荣誉委员会,提出学术不诚实证据的教职员工将有责任作证.

学生的权利 & 责任

  1. 学生应有正当程序的权利. 这应包括以下权利:
    • 被告知违规行为的性质
    • to a fair hearing of the evidence leading to a decision in the case, 由相关教授或荣誉委员会(由相关教授自行决定)颁发
    • 在12bet游戏平台校园社区的顾问陪同下参加荣誉委员会的任何听证会
    • 要求上诉
  2. 学生应在每次考试后以及完成教师认为适当的其他作业后签署荣誉承诺书.
  3. 不签署承诺书的学生将有义务与教师谈谈原因. 由于发现其他学生有不诚实行为而不签署诚信承诺书的学生,如果要在荣誉委员会举行听证会,则需要提供书面证词, but will not be obligated to testify in person and will also remain anonymous.
  4. 被发现违反荣誉守则的学生不允许退出发生违规行为的班级.



  1. 12bet中文官方平台社区的任何成员都可以对学生提出学术诚信政策投诉. 投诉被提交给适当的教员或不同的教员或管理员.
  2. 收到投诉的教员或管理人员将把投诉转发给适当的教员.
  3. When a faculty member has evidence of academic dishonesty committed by an Augustana student, the student will be informed of the details of the charge and will be shown supporting evidence.

Complaint Resolution Process (two ways of resolving an academic integrity complaint)

  1. The faculty member has authority to handle the matter independently.
    • 被教员发现违反荣誉守则的学生将受到处罚,可能导致作业或考试不及格或零分, 或者这门课不及格.
    • 该教员将向负责学术事务的助理副校长提交一封详细说明案件事实和实施制裁的信.
    • 教务助理副校长将向该学生发出纪律警告信.
    • 先前违反荣誉守则的学生可能会受到更大的处罚,包括纪律留校察看, 停学或开除, 案件可以由负责学术事务的副校长转交给荣誉委员会.
  2. 教职员工可以将此事提交给荣誉委员会.
    • When a faculty member wishes to forward a case involving academic dishonesty to the honor board, 该教员联系负责学术事务的助理副校长,后者通知荣誉委员会需要举行听证会.
    • 荣誉委员会应在充分的信息和充足的时间内通知被指控学生听证会的原因,以确保有机会为听证会做准备.
    • 荣誉委员会将为听证会设定一个日期和时间,使被指控的学生有权迅速审理此案. 除非当事各方同意安排更早的听证会,否则听证会可在通知之日后十天内举行.
    • 负责学术事务的助理副校长(或指定的副校长)将告知被指控的学生有关审理过程和学生的权利.


  1. 至少在预定听证会前一周, 负责学术事务的副校长将告知学生有关听证会的权利, 包括传唤证人的权利以及从12bet游戏平台社区获得顾问的权利. This advisor may be a member of the Augustana faculty, 政府, 工作人员 或者学生团体.
  2. The student will be informed about the general procedure of the hearing.
  3. Relevant documentation will be provided to the honor board and to the accused student. The accused student’s name and address will not appear on evidentiary documents.
  4. 被告有权由一名顾问陪同,该顾问必须是12bet游戏平台学院的一名教员, 政府, 工作人员, 或者学生团体. The advisor’s participation shall be limited to consulting with the student. 顾问不得进行或指导交叉询问, 做开场白或结束语, 或者参与争论.
  5. The accused will be provided a list of the names of the honor board members. 被指控的学生可以向负责学术事务的副校长提交一份原因陈述,对最多两名荣誉委员会成员的席位提出质疑.
  6. 荣誉委员会从学术事务助理副校长那里收到机密文件,详细说明指控和相关证据.
  7. The evidence is reviewed by honor board members prior to the hearing, and the review serves as the basis for questioning during the hearing.
  8. 被指控的学生必须提交被请求证人的姓名及其与听证会的相关性.
  9. 荣誉委员会决定谁将被传唤作证,并通知听证会的潜在证人. (Note: Character witnesses are usually not permitted to testify during the hearing; however, 他们可以代表被指控的学生提交信件.)


  1. 听证的法定人数为六名有投票权的成员(包括所有四名教员), and two-thirds of honor board members present must agree on a decision.
  2. In the unusual circumstance that six current members are unavailable, 负责学术事务的助理副校长可以召集最近在荣誉委员会任职的学生或教师,以构成法定人数. (注:因为在这个荣誉守则的最初几年,可能没有荣誉委员会经验的学生或教师, 负责学术事务的副校长有权任命董事会的候补成员.)
  3. Hearings are conducted in private in order to protect the confidential nature of the proceedings. 听证会应限于荣誉委员会成员, 被传唤出庭者, and the associate vice president for Academic Affairs as convener of the hearing, 以及荣誉委员会指定的其他人员.
  4. 负责学术事务的副校长是董事会的当然成员,并主持听证会.
  5. The accused shall be entitled to appear in person to present a defense and may call witnesses. (参考听证前程序确定证人.)
  6. 被告有权拒绝回答问题或选择不出席荣誉委员会. Should the student elect not to appear, the hearing shall be held in the student's absence. 任何学生都不能仅仅因为他或她没有出席听证会而被发现违反了荣誉守则. In all cases, the evidence in support of the charges shall be presented and considered.
  7. The accused shall be entitled to ask questions of the honor board and witnesses.
  8. 如在聆讯进行期间的任何时间, 被邀请的与会者扰乱了会议进程, 主席可以将这些人排除在听证会之外. 主席也可指示休会,其余的聆讯在非公开会议中进行.
  9. 所有在荣誉委员会听证会上的证词, 而且和案子有关, 是否会被记录并可能被录音.
  10. 尽管在听证程序上有相当大的灵活性, the following description identifies a general sequence common to most hearings:
    • The convener of the honor board reviews the charge and related evidence, 确保所有参与者都清楚程序.
    • 荣誉委员会将听取证人的证词. 通常情况下,首先听取提出指控的人的意见.
    • 其他证人,包括代表被告学生作证的证人,也被要求作证.
    • 被告学生被要求作证.
    • 荣誉委员会可酌情召回证人.


  1. 如果被指控的违规行为被荣誉委员会审理, 在所有证人都出庭后才考虑证据, and a two-thirds majority of board members present must agree on a decision.
  2. 每个案例都是单独考虑的. 至少,被发现违反荣誉守则的学生将受到纪律警告.
    • A disciplinary warning is a written notice that the student has violated the honor code.
    • 如果受到纪律警告, 进一步违规可能会导致留校察看, 停学或开除.
  3. 其他后果包括但不限于:
    • 作业或考试不及格.
    • 课程不及格.
    • Disciplinary probation; a written reprimand for violation of the honor code. The probation specifies the period and conditions of the consequence. 书面条件还应通知学生在试用期间进一步违反荣誉守则的任何后果. 如果受到纪律处分留校察看, 进一步的违规行为可能会导致停赛, 或驱逐.
    • 建议主管学术事务的副校长暂停其在学校的职务. A suspension is a separation of the student from Augustana for a definite period of time, 之后学生才有资格返回. 可以规定重新入学的条件.
    • Recommendation to the associate vice president for Academic Affairs to expel from the university. An expulsion is a permanent separation of the student from Augustana University.

注:任何受到纪律处分的学生将没有资格在以下任何组织中竞选或继续担任任何民选职位或指定职位至少一年,包括, 但不限于:ASA学生会, 工会管理委员会, 镜子 及新生迎新活动.


  1. 负责学术事务的助理副校长在荣誉委员会做出决定后的五个工作日内以邮件的形式通知学生和相关方. If the complaint is resolved by a faculty member, that notification is also sent within five days.
  2. A file of all documents, evidence, charges and correspondence shall be retained for the record. 该记录归12bet中文官方平台所有.
  3. The record shall be available to the faculty member or the 荣誉董事会 to reach a decision. 该记录将被转发到教务处.
  4. 荣誉守则记录, 是否由教员编译, 荣誉委员会或教务长应由大学(在教务处)维护,为期七个日历年,从学生最后入学日期开始.
  5. 因违反荣誉守则而被学校开除的学生将在其成绩单上注明.


  1. 由教职员工或荣誉委员会决定的荣誉准则决定可以在十个工作日内提出上诉,如果通知后没有上课,则可以在两个日历周内提出上诉. 经申请,此时限可延长至十天以上. Appeals shall be in writing and delivered to the Dean of Academic Affairs Office.
  2. A request for appeal must specify grounds that would justify consideration. 对决定结果的普遍不满不得作为审议上诉的依据. 审议上诉的唯一依据是提出表明下列任何情况的事实:
    • 程序正当程序中的错误,导致学生无法获得基本公平的听证.
    • Harshness of sanction to show an abuse of discretion by the original judicial body.
  3. A request for appeal based upon new evidence shall not be granted. 有新证据对原决定有实质性影响的,应当重新开庭.
  4. 任何上诉复核都不可能造成比原司法审讯更严厉的制裁.
  5. 在上诉程序完成和案件结案之前,不得援引原来的制裁.
  6. 申诉决定为最终决定,由教务长立即决定并执行.